You Don't NEED a Slow Cooker Recipe!

Many people search the internet for slow cooker recipes. I know I have myself at times. The thing is, you really don't have to, at least not with most things you are going to want to cook. Once you have made a couple things with your slow cooker and understand how it works, you can start making up your own recipes-that's part of the beauty of the slow cooker!
What you need to remember, and truly understand, is that you really cannot destroy a stew or a roasted chicken, or many of the other things you can make in your slow cooker. This is a hard one for most of us to believe. We have been conditioned that we need to follow slow cooker recipes, or else we will end up with an inedible mess. This is just untrue!
I recommend you try it sometime and sometime soon. Go to the store and buy the basic things you want in a stew, maybe try ONE new thing. You don't want to experiment with more than one thing at a time. Cut your veggies, throw them in the cooker and let it do its thing. That is the beauty of the slow cooker is that it does all the work for you!
If there is something that you really want to make, but cannot find any recipes for it, please take my advice. Just try it out. Pretend you don't need a recipe. Trust me, I experiment all the time and it is rare that what I make is truly gross and its only when I'm crazy experimenting.
If you just want to do something a little different-then just do it. Nothing is stopping you but your own brain. It is telling you that you absolutely need instructions on how to do something that for years was improvised. Our grandparents certainly didn't use a recipe, and if they didn't, it wasn't nearly as exact as ours.

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